Monday, August 31, 2009

another year older.....not wiser.....

1. Learn to speak and read Japanese.
2. Make new friends
3. Keep the friendships I have that are good.
4. Heal from the past year.
5. Visit my PC friends in Ghana.
6. Forgive people who hurt me.
7. Learn to play an instrument.
8. Paint and do other artistic things more often.
9. Visit a new country (or two or three!).
10. Climb Mount Fuji.
11. Plan for life after Japan.
12. Eat healthier.
13. Exercise three or four times a week.
14. Grow out my hair.
15. Save money.
16. Study the bible.
17. Get a pet (if I can).
18. Look into graduate school.
19. Study for the GRE.
20. Learn to take good photographs.
21. Study for the Japanese drivers license.
22. Go to the beach as much as I can.
23. Find a place to volunteer in Japan
24. Floss daily.
25. Keep my apartment clean.
26. Read more books.
27. Have fun!

I am about to turn 28. Last year when I was turning 27 I posted 27 goals for myself for the next year of my life. I am sad to say I failed most of them :( I did go to the beach (not too many times though) my drivers license.....studied Japanese (but not enough)....I flossed for a while.....I did read a lot......I got a pet!.....and I visited a couple of countries....and I did meet a lot of new friends....

Otherwise I have failed :( So this year I am not doing goals. It is pointless, I don't have enough discipline to accomplish anything.

On another note, I lost my camera (again) so that is why I haven't updated this blog in a long time. So, I will try, but I am not buying a new camera for a while. I just lose them, so it is a waste.