Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wow! Long time no see!

I can't believe it, but it has been almost two months since I wrote on this blog. I am so sorry! I don't have any excuses. Only, I did lost my camera this summer, so I haven't had any photos to post. Still, I could have written something-or at least told you that I don't have my camera. I think my life in Japan has gotten so ordinary, I just don't feel I have anything interesting to say anymore!

Anyway, I promise I will update this thing more! In the meantime, I hope the posts below tie you down for a while. I promise I will update again soon!

A weekend in Tokyo!

Last weekend I was lucky to go out in Tokyo, not only Friday night, but Saturday night as well! Friday we went to a place called Alcatraz and had a course meal. It is a theme restaurant and the theme is, mental hospital prison, or something. They usually have a show, but didn't this time :( I don't know why not. But anyway, here is a picture from that.

Then Saturday I went out in Shinjuku to a "British Pub" called the Hub! After we went to karaoke. This coming weekend is Halloween, I can't wait to go out!

Painting Pumpkins!

I had the boys over two weeks ago to paint some pumpkins. At first I felt like I was kind of making them do it, but we actually had a good time! Jack even made one with Jeff, Cotter and myself on it....how cute! We watched Family Guy and The Simpson's episodes online. They didn't leave until 12! I am so lucky to have such great friends right here in my town! I love my boys!
Cotter had a little bit too much fun!

New kitty!

About three weeks ago I was meeting Jack for sushi. It was Monday night and it was dark and it had rained all day. I stepped outside and I heard a squeak noise. I began looking around in the dark for the noise. It was so wet outside. Finally I took out my little flash light and I came across this little guy (or girl).

I couldn't believe it! It must have been born that day because its eyes and ears were closed. It was soaking wet from the rain. I have no clue where it came from, but Chloe and I have been taking care of it ever since. Chloe does everything but feed it, which is what I do. The baby has gotten really healthy and everyone loves it! I am happy Chloe and I have a new addition to our "family!"