Tuesday, November 10, 2009

over exposed

yesterday most of my classes were canceled, so i thought i should take advantage of the nice day by going for a walk. i was enjoying the scenery when i saw a white pick-ups passed me and turn at the next right. he drove a few meters and then got out. i looked over and saw his pants were down. i have recently heard stories of japanese men exposing themselves to gaijin (foreign) women, and just that day i was reading about it my lonely planet. either way, i convinced myself he was just peeing (though why not on the tree just behind him?) (also, very common to see men peeing on the road in japan) and kept walking. i walked maybe 1k and decided it was time to turn around and head back. on the same road i thought i saw the same pick-up again, drive a meters, stop wait....it did that few times. can`t be the same guy, i thought, there are so many pick-ups like that around here. finally the pick-up turned on the main road and disappeared. i followed the road around some trees, with a beautiful meadow on my right that went on for ages. i was admiring the scenery when i heard a honking noise. does the joso line come close to here? no the train isn't close. then i saw it, same pick-up, same guy with his pants down, only this time he was rubbing his small little dick! my eyes, my virgin eyes!! trauma...oh the trauma....he had been honking at me to get my attention. of course the fact that he exposed himself to me creeps me out. but actually the fact he followed me around to do it twice bothers me more. i guess it is one of those things i have to get used to here in japan.