Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jeffrey's Birthday!

Jeff’s birthday was December 16th. I went a little overboard! But he is a really good person and he does so many things for others, he deserves someone making a big deal about the day he was born. Plus I just love him sooo much ;)
For dinner we went to a French restaurant here in Bando. They reserved a room for us, it was really nice! We had a four course meal. I have three of the courses pictured. We forgot to take a photo of the second course! I assure you it was good though. The first course was…..I am not sure but it had cavier in it! The second one was….hum I can’t remember because we didn’t take a photo of it! The third course was a sweet potato soup. Yummy! The finally course was beef. It was all soo good.
Then it was time for cake. I Jeff had mentioned once he wished he could have some carrot cake. Carrot cake is not common in Japan. So, I had my Dad send me some, with cream cheese frosting, from the US (thanks Daddy!). My next issue was, where do I bake it? Japanese kitchens do not have ovens. Luckily, Reiko’s family has a small oven. I decided cupcakes would be best, because Dad had sent some Happy Birthday candles as a surprise (thanks again Daddy!), one on each cupcake would look nice. My final issue was, where do I find a cupcake pan? Because ovens are not common, it isn’t easy finding baking supplies. Finally I found one (and some cute paper cupcakes cups) and Reiko and I spent hours baking. It was worth it because they turned out really nice and they made Jeff happy and that was the whole point anyway! I was really nervous about his birthday, but it turned out to be a success and he was really thankful for all the work put into it, and touched by all the people who came. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF!

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