Sunday, April 5, 2009

India-Bornfree Art School. Living with the students.

I went to India with a group called Go M.A.D. (Go Make A Difference) and we went to Bornfree Art School. The volunteering part was a bit disorganized. Nothing went as planned. Luckily we were a laid back group, so we were ok with it. The school itself is a bit organized. Apparently, they just lost their actual school building and we never saw it. I think the school was great but they have to change some things if they want volunteers coming. The accommodations we had weren't so great. If you want to know more about the school click here
Singing at the boys dorm (which is now the school since it was taken away from them due to politics).
Playing an Indian game, I sucked as usual!
One of the students next to John (the director of the school) sculpture. John has many great ideas, but he needs to focus on a few. I think he is all over the place and so many people demand his time, it is hard for him to get things done.
It is mango season, so we got mango shakes!

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