Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Golden Week (and it's not even over yet!)

In Japan, the first week of May is a string of various holidays collectively referred to as Golden Week. That means I have time off! Despite the kitties being born last Thursday night, I decided to get out of town for a few days and head on down to the southern Kanto Region. I left Saturday afternoon and went to Yokohama. I booked a room at a hostel. It was small, but clean and nice. I will stay there again. I ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in Yokohama. I kind of felt dumb eating alone, but it was fun. I enjoy watching the music videos they play on the screens!

The next day I met Junpei at 12:30. We had plans to go to the Yokohama Bay Stars baseball game. I hadn't seen him since November, so it was a nice treat! The Bay Stars lost to the Dragons, but it was ok because Junpei is a Dragons fan anyway (though his hometown is Yokohama-traitor!).

Monday we decided to go hiking along the coast. I had done this hike before, but when I did it was winter and really windy. So I couldn't go far. This time the weather was nice, but it was way more crowded and I couldn't see Mount Fuji. The highlight was finding a dead fugu on the beach. Fugu is a poisonous fish that the Japanese like to eat. To cut and cook Fugu you have to have a special license. Every year a few people die of Fugu poisoning, though most of the time they are eating it from someone who isn't licensed to serve it.

The best part of the trip was seeing baby Anna. She is almost one year old now. She isn't talking much (though if she was, I wouldn't understand her anyway!) and not totally walking yet. She still only has one tooth, but otherwise she has gotten so big! She is such a good girl, I can't wait to see her again!

On Monday night I went back home to my kitties. I did worry about them while I was gone. Chloe had never shown me she knew how to use the litter box, so I really thought I would have to come home and clean up poop and pee all over my floor. I was wrong! Chloe used her litter box! Go Chloe! You surprise me all the time.

Well, I still have two more days of Golden Week. I plan on taking it easy. Enjoy the pictures (they are in the wrong order, but I am assuming you can get where I was when I took them!).

With new life, comes another death :(

I am sad to say that one of the kitties at home, Reesie, has died. She had cancer. Reesie was such a lady, and she took very good care of Murphy after Oliver died. She was loved by many and will be missed. Bye bye Reesie.

Friday, May 1, 2009

kawaii desu!

Last night I had some friends over for dinner. Chloe was acting really strange. I thought maybe it was because she might be ready to have her babies, but I wasn't sure. After everyone left I googled cats giving birth. Chloe matched everything they said. So, I decided it was best to keep her inside (though I doubt she would have gone outside, she was following me around!). In the meantime, it was getting late and I haven't had a full nights rest in a week and was looking forward to sleeping. Chloe didn't let that happen. One of the symptoms of giving birth is the cat becomes very affectionate. Boy, did she. She wouldn't leave me alone! She following me everywhere, and was purring and purring. When I tried to turn off the lights and go to sleep, she kept meowing! She would pace back and forth between my bed and the spare room, where I had set up a box with the hope she would give birth in it. It was NUTS! Finally I decided to move my futon into the spare room and sleep on the floor. That really calmed her down. She jumped into the box and an hour later starting having her kitties! It was the middle of the night at this time and I decided I had to sleep. When I woke up, Chloe was feeding six healthy baby kitties! Yay Chloe!