Friday, May 1, 2009

kawaii desu!

Last night I had some friends over for dinner. Chloe was acting really strange. I thought maybe it was because she might be ready to have her babies, but I wasn't sure. After everyone left I googled cats giving birth. Chloe matched everything they said. So, I decided it was best to keep her inside (though I doubt she would have gone outside, she was following me around!). In the meantime, it was getting late and I haven't had a full nights rest in a week and was looking forward to sleeping. Chloe didn't let that happen. One of the symptoms of giving birth is the cat becomes very affectionate. Boy, did she. She wouldn't leave me alone! She following me everywhere, and was purring and purring. When I tried to turn off the lights and go to sleep, she kept meowing! She would pace back and forth between my bed and the spare room, where I had set up a box with the hope she would give birth in it. It was NUTS! Finally I decided to move my futon into the spare room and sleep on the floor. That really calmed her down. She jumped into the box and an hour later starting having her kitties! It was the middle of the night at this time and I decided I had to sleep. When I woke up, Chloe was feeding six healthy baby kitties! Yay Chloe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


they are freaking adorable! ship me one and i shall name her (because i dont want a him lol) japan kitty like you call her trash kitty hahaha.. im kidding..

although if you ship one to me i wont be disappointed! i'm sure that's impossible/illegal :)

love you grandmie.. lucy thinks she needs to ship the new kittys toys & treaties... for when they get a little older :) i told her i would think about it!