Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This year I want to...

I was reading my friend Annie's blog the other day and she did something interesting for her birthday on her blog.  She posted a list of things she wants to do this year.  So, I am doing that too.  Thank you for the idea Annie ;)  Here are 27 things I want to do in my 27th year in no particular order.

1.  Learn to speak and read Japanese.
2.  Make new friends
3.  Keep the friendships I have that are good.
4.  Heal from the past year.
5.  Visit my PC friends in Ghana.
6. Forgive people who hurt me.
7.  Learn to play an instrument.
8.  Paint and do other artistic things more often.
9.  Visit a new country (or two or three!).
10.  Climb Mount Fuji.
11.  Plan for life after Japan.
12.  Eat healthier.
13.  Exercise three or four times a week.
14.  Grow out my hair.
15.  Save money.
16.  Study the bible.
17.  Get a pet (if I can).
18.  Look into graduate school.
19.  Study for the GRE.
20.  Learn to take good photographs.
21.  Study for the Japanese drivers license.
22.  Go to the beach as much as I can.
23.  Find a place to volunteer in Japan
24.  Floss daily.
25.  Keep my apartment clean.
26.  Read more books.
27.  Have fun!

I will keep you posted on how well I am doing with my goals for the year.

1 comment:

Annie Bananie said...

Yeah!!! I actually got the idea from a girl from Portland's blog! Isn't a fun idea!