Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chloe is missing :( update! and the boys last few weeks...

Hey everyone! After missing for one week (and one day), I finally found Chloe! I found her close to my old place. I am so relived I found her. She is ok, she lost some weight and her fur wasn't as nice as it usually is (probably due to lack of eating) but she is fine. I am not sure what the future is for Chloe and I. I have thought maybe she is better off staying at the old place. But right now she is sleeping in my bed and I can worry about her later.

I haven't updated this blog in a long time (except for recent posts). I really wanted to tell you about all the things I did with the guys during their last month in Japan. However, I didn't take many photos of it, so I was waiting until someone would give me their photos. I have been lazy in asking them though, so I am going to post without (good photos).

The biggest highlight (to me) of the guys last month in Japan was their farewell party. I surprised them ;) I told them that Emily and Reiko wanted to have dinner with them on a random Thursday night, which they totally bought. What was really going on was I had a bunch of people come to town to throw them a party. However, many of their close friends lived far away. My friends were happy to come, but I didn't want to throw a party for them and just have my friends attend. I was lucky because each one of them had a friend come to surprise them. One (good friend) coming is better than none, right?

I was so nervous the night of the party. Of course everyone was late (which I expected) and since it was my job to distract the guys while everyone arrived, I couldn't be there to set up for the party. It wasn't that I didn't trust my friends setting up, I knew they would do a fabulous job (which they did)....I was just so nervous that somehow the surprise would be ruined and setting up for the party would have been a good way to distract me. Instead I had to play it cool with the guys.

Once I got word that they were ready for us to come, I began my surprise. I placed them under arrest. Their crime-leaving me behind (or as my mom put it, "leaving the scene of a good time!"). I handcuffed, blindfolded and got them into the back of my car (with Cotters help). It was so funny! I had never seen such babies. At one point Jack's noise itched and somehow he leaned over to have Jeff (who turned to his side) scratch it! It was great!

The party was fun. As mentioned, my friends did a wonderful job setting up, and the boys were really surprised and touched that so many people came to see them off.

The days after that are kind of a blur. I saw them say good bye to so many people at that time, it was crazy. On their final day I drive both of them to Kashiwa. I took Jack to the train station there, and Jeff to his friend Stephen's house. The two last photos I took of them were at their apartments. They both lived in apartments called Leo Palace. Though it looks like they are the same room, actually they lived in different buildings. When I took the photos I remembered how my parents used to take photos of my brother and I on our first day of school. They would dress us up, take a photo and send us off into the world. I kind of felt like I was doing that to the boys. I was letting them go by taking one last photo of them at their place.

I would be lying to you if I said I have been happy in the weeks since they left. Actually, I have been quite sad. With them leaving, Jetta getting adopted, my move and then Chloe missing (but now found!) I have been on quite an emotional roller coaster. Minus the Chloe missing part, I did have plenty of time to prepare for all the changes, but it still hasn't been easy. I do miss my "old" life.

I think that is the real reason why I didn't update this blog. It wasn't just the photos, it was I wasn't ready to put the guys in my past. I take my own time getting over things and I guess I am just going to have to wait this one out.

In the end I realize I how lucky I was to have such wonderful people in my small town in Japan that I had such good chemistry with. I can honestly say that I did know and appreciate them while they were here, but of course now that they are gone I am seeing even more how lucky I was. I am so thankful to have had them...and I made sure they knew that before they left.

So that is all I have to say about the boys for now. I will post photos as I get them. Thank you for reading my last post (for now) about them. I hope to see them again one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post moar! You're linked to my blog!

- Shazz