Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More good byes a comin'...

Summer break is on the horizon here in Japan, and with that comes another loss. Many of my friends who are in the JET Program are leaving Japan. Some of them I arrived with two years ago, others have been here longer. They are all leaving for various reasons, some want to start their careers, others have been in the JET Program as long as the program allows (five years).

It will be hard for me because my friends are really great people. Of course I am hopeful whoever replaces them will be just as great, but there is something about going through this with the people I came with that is lost upon the newbies. At least I will be here to help them with the transition.

Also, I am just now getting used to the guys being gone, and I will have to go through all of it again. Luckily before they leave we have lots of fun planned. Some of them are even staying with me before they leave. Yay!

So, here's to having a good time. I am thankful I have good friends from all over the world that I can go and visit someday.

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