Friday, July 23, 2010

Wonderful Wednesdays (or at least they used to be)

Wednesdays used to be a great day for me here in Japan. When I first met Guy, he told me 1. there were other ALTs in Bando, and 2. they got together a lot on Wednesdays. And that is how it all got started. I met Cotter and Jeff on a Wednesday. We used to go eat ramen or sushi, or I would cook. We would play games or watch movies. It didn't matter what we were doing, as long as we were together it was fun.

I knew Wednesday would never be the same once the guys left, and I was right. No more dinners, no more games or movies, no more anything. I got used to it. Wednesdays became my one night of free time because I started going back to my Japanese class on Tuesdays (which was my old free night). I still missed wonder Wednesdays.

My Wednesdays have changed again, only this time for the worse. When I went to the doctor for my first ibo treatment (which was on a Thursday if you must know ;) ) he informed me that a doctor from the same hospital comes to Bando on Wednesdays and he can give me treatments. It was good news because going to Tsukuba every week wouldn't be easy. And how would I have done it anyway? Take a day off each week just to go to the doctor? I doubt my schools would have liked that. It was just a huge mess in my head, so when the doctor said I can get it done in Bando on Wednesdays I was happy.

My joy soon faded when I realized how painful the treatment is. I have already posted how awful it is a few weeks ago. Let me give you an update. The black and blue on my fingers has faded, but the week after my first treatment I had a fever. Last week was ok because I took some aspirin before I went in, but he used a bigger swab on my foot, so it was in pain for days. This week I didn't get a chance to take aspirin before I went in, so I was forced to take seven...SEVEN that evening before the pain finally dulled..and now I am black and blue again.

I am so disappointed that my wonder Wednesdays have turned into this. I can't even make plans with anyone on Wednesdays because I can't guarantee I won't have a fever, or that I'll be able to walk. Funny how quickly my favorite day of the week has turned into my least favorite.

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