Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I know I know, I need to update more....

I am so bad about updating this blog! I guess I have gotten into kind of a rut with it for many reasons. The main one being, I have been in Japan long enough now, I don't know what will be interesting to anyone at home anymore. I realize that is stupid now because after being at home and talking with people, anything I put on here can be interesting. Ok, I get it. I will try to do more posting, even if it is something small (like what I had for lunch).

Another reason, since I lost my camera (ahem, over a year ago, ahem) I haven't really been into taking photos. I know if I had a nice camera I wouldn't mind so much, actually I think I would become somewhat of a ameuter photographer. My lovely friend Reiko lent me her old point and shoot and I am so grateful for that, but it is still not the best to use and as such I just don't take photos anymore. Photos make the blog interesting, so there you go.

Finally, I don't blog because I hate talking about myself. I have no problem complaining to others about things going on in my life, but actually talking about myself, no. I am someone who really doesn't have any natural or hidden talents, I am not passionate about anything and on many topics I am pretty neutral, so what do I have to say that is important or interesting? Not much! But this is kind of a low self esteem thing that I realize I need to work on. So even if I don't think something is important or interesting, I will still post it anyway. Maybe it would build my confidance?

So, in coming days, weeks, months I will post more on the blog. I promise! Now to clear the memory card in my card, which has photos in it from June.....!

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