Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good Samaritan

When I first came to Japan it was important for me to visit the JET nearest to me.  My supervisor helped me find a bus schedule that would take me to Mitsikaito (not spelled correctly) where Emily lives.  I walked to the bus station and waited for the bus to come.  While I was waiting a girl wearing a tennis uniform came.  I showed her the bus schedule, basically asking her if I was in the right place.  She nodded her head yes.  The time for the bus to come came and went with no bus in site.  For me, that was unusual because the Japanese are notorious for being on time.  The trains are always on time, in fact if a train breaks down or has an accident the train company will give you a note to give to your boss if you are late.  Otherwise your boss will not believe you if you say the train made you late!  

Anyway, so I was waiting for the bus when two buses came.  I was about to get on when the young girl said, no!  So the two buses left.  Finally another bus came and she got on.  She told me to sit and somehow communicated to me that she would show me where I need to go.  About 15 minutes later she pushed the button for the bus to stop and pointed that this was my stop.  She left the bus too.  I thanked her and we went opposite directions.  Without her I would have gotten on the wrong bus, and I probably would have gotten off at the wrong stop.  

Today I was at a new school and I was introducing myself to the students in class.  After my introduction, a young girl told the teacher she knew me.  I remembered it was the girl from the bus!  I told the teacher that she helped me ride the bus my first weekend in Japan.  I told all the English teachers she helped me.  I am very happy that one of my students is such a good person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats so cool that was one of your students that helped you out!! :)