Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday List update

It`s been six months since my birthday and I thought I would do an update on how I was doing with my 27 goals for my 27th year. Here is the list. The updates are beside them.

1. Learn to speak and read Japanese. Ok, this isn`t going so well, but I am going to class now.
Make new friends. Success! I have many friends here.
3. Keep the friendships I have that are good. I have had falling outs with people who I was close to (not people from here), so no this isn`t going so well :(
4. Heal from the past year. Work in progress.
5. Visit my PC friends in Ghana. I can`t go to Ghana when I wanted to, the ticket is so expensive. I still want to see my friends, but I am not sure if I can make it to Ghana before they leave. We`ll see.
6. Forgive people who hurt me. Still working on that.
7. Learn to play an instrument. No progress on that at all.
8. Paint and do other artistic things more often. No progress on that either :(
9. Visit a new country (or two or three!). Going to India next week.
10. Climb Mount Fuji. The climbing season is July and August, so I will have to wait for that.
11. Plan for life after Japan. I am staying a year longer now, so I have plenty of time to work on that (though I do have a few thoughts in my head at this time).
12. Eat healthier. I feel like I do compared to when I was home, but I am not seeing it in my waistline. I have started writing down everything I eat, I hope that helps.
13. Exercise three or four times a week. Not very good at this :( I am still working on it.
14. Grow out my hair. AAAGGGHHH It was nice and long, but I needed a trim and the lady too waaay to much off, and she gave me the Rachel (if you can`t remember, the Rachel was popular when Friends first came on TV, yeah 15 years go!). It is still long, but I am waiting for it to grow longer and not look so Rachel-like.
15. Save money. I have done that, but not as much as I like.
16. Study the bible. I haven`t done enough of that.
17. Get a pet (if I can). This is the goal I accomplished first. By the end of September I found Chloe (actually she found me). I am now officially her mama.
18. Look into graduate school. I have, but I have changed my thoughts on things since I made this goal.
19. Study for the GRE. I have a book to study, but now I am looking into going to school without taking it.
20. Learn to take good photographs. I have a new camera, but I still don`t know how to use it well. So, I would say not really.
21. Study for the Japanese drivers license. I have been and I am taking the test Monday! I hope I pass.
22. Go to the beach as much as I can. I have only been to the beach once :(
23. Find a place to volunteer in Japan. Not happening, I have looked into places, but it is hard if you don`t speak Japanese.
24. Floss daily. I have gotten better, but I don`t do it daily.
25. Keep my apartment clean. For the most part, I feel my apartment is clean. It is certianly cleaner than when I wrote this. In September my apartment was still really dusty from two years of no one living there. Now it is much cleaner and more home-like.
26. Read more books. This is the one goal I must say I have accomplished. Maybe I have read too much?
27. Have fun! Work in progress. Of course I have fun, but not as much as I want.

After seeing these goals again, and seeing the progress, or I should said the lack of progress I have made on them, I think I am going to look at these again in three months (instead of another six-at my birthday) and see how I am doing. I think if I am looking at these goals more often, I am more likely to be trying to achieve them. It was good for me to see this though.

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