Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a little update

Hey Everyone!  Things are going really well in Tokyo.  I have been really busy.  Yesterday we had some meetings and some workshops.  I went to the JET Fair and got information about the Christian JET group (whose meeting I attended last night), Habitat for Humanity, going to Graduate School in Japan and a JET group that does volunteer trips in Thailand and India during school breaks.  I didn't know there was so much to do here, I am excited about it.  Today I have some more meetings and workshops.  Then I will meet my predecessor in the late afternoon.  Tonight I am going to Yokosuka to see my friends, I am so excited!  I am attaching more views from my hotel room.  At dusk I can see the outline of Mt Fuji from it!  If it wasn't so polluted i would be able to see it clearly.  That is about all for now.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Take care.

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