Friday, October 31, 2008

Pictures from Sports day!

My supervisor and I.

We worked hard!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sports Day!

Today was Sports Day at Iwai High School! Basically each class competes in different activities and at the end of the day they got prizes. Some of the activities were familiar (relay races) but some were different. There was this one, which I suppose is like capture the flag. But they have these huge bamboo sticks that the flag is on. It was interesting to say the least. I was on the tug of war team. Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of it. Guess what? We won! During the final "tug" we walked out onto the field to "We are the Champions." Is there a better band than Queen for a sports day? I think not. Anyway, we are ALMOST undefeated, but we lost the second to last "tug....of war." It was fun though. Here are some pictures from today.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Three Months and Counting...

Hey everyone. The weekend is now over in Japan and I did......nothing! Actually, I did go up on Mount Tsukuba again, but I didn't climb it. I spent Sunday cleaning. I am happy to say that my apartment is the cleanest it has ever been. Now to maintain it....

Other news, today I have been here three months now! It seems a lot longer, but in reality it really isn't that long at all. Tonight I am going out to eat with some people, so I guess that will be our celebration. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My worst fear came true :(

Hey. So as you know I have been worried for the past year that Peace Corps is going to send a new volunteer to the village I was at. I was worried about it because the guy that harassed me had so much anger toward me that I was afraid he would take it out on the next person. Indeed, he took the anger out on me that he had for the person before me leaving. Anyway, I was worried about what would happen to this person if they sent someone there. So I talked to a friend in Ghana yesterday and they are sending someone there :( I guess I didn't pray enough about it. The good news is it is a guy (or so my friend thinks, she actually isn't sure), but no one knows if they found a new site supervisor for the guy. I tried so hard telling Peace Corps it isn't safe there. Even when I was working with the Congress Woman, I tried telling them. I guess I really don't have a voice. I just have to have faith that the world is how it should be.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good Day!

Today was such a good day. I went to my favorite school and after only have two classes, I chatted with one of the teachers for a long time. She likes to visit with me. She is really cool. She is in the process of remodeling her house because she said she wants it handicap accessible for her and her husband as they grow older. Smart! She said after it is finished, she wants me to come over. Then another teacher came to me and asked if I had time during sixth period, we were going to have tea. If I have time, I had been chatting all day. Anyway, of course I said yes. I didn't really know what was going on today because all the classes were shorter than usual. I just thought the teachers were all going to have tea to celebrate something. So I went with him during sixth period, but on the way he stopped and grabbed his guitar. I thought it was a little strange, but I didn't say anything. Then we went to the library. The librarian was making hot cocoa and had laid out snacks for us. It turns out, he just planned the time for us! The three of us sat and drank cocoa and ate our snacks. Once in a while the teacher played guitar. I had to stop myself from laughing. Don't get me wrong, he is good. But lets face it, a Japanese guy singing Country Roads, Take Me Home is funny, right? It's little things like this is why I like it here.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Tiredness update

Ok, so I realized last night that one of the reasons why I am so tired all the time is I have a difficult time falling asleep at night. In fact, last Monday night I didnt fall asleep at all! I have a hard time shutting off my mind at night. I think it is just stress, so I hope once I pass my three month mark here, it gets better. I hope so anyway. Last night I couldnt fall asleep so I decided to wait until 1am and take a shower. But then I thought, why wait? So I took one and was finished by 12:45. I still struggled, so I think I started to meditate. I am not sure because I have never done that before. But anyway, I woke up a few hours later, so I must have fallen asleep. I didnt get a full nights rest, but at least I fell asleep. I hope tonight it better.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Watch this!

It is the Office, Japanese style.

I am always tired...

One thing that I didn't expect when I came back to Japan was how tired I always am. Seriously, I day dream about going to bed all day. Sometimes, because of stress, I don't sleep very well through out the night. However, I am not sure why I am tired most of the time. I read in the Ibaraki JET's handbook that one of the reason is.........rice. Many JET's are tired their first few months because of the change of diet and eating more rice. Isn't that interesting? I think another reason, for me at least, is just resting from preparing to come here. Before I left the US I had many jobs with few or no days off, so I think I am still recovering from that. Plus, of course all the bad things that happened this past year. I am enjoying my time of rest though. It hasn't held me back at all. Another reason why I think I am tired all the time is because it is just more tiring living here. I go to the store and I am not sure what all the food is. I don't know how to pump my own gas here. Things that are everyday normal require much more energy from me. I am getting used to it, so maybe I won't be so tired as much.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I always knew the Bee Gees were the best band ever. Read this article. It is about how the song "Staying Alive" is the perfect beat for performing CPR. I have actually taken two CPR classes (by the same instructor) and both times he told us about this! In one class someone even sang the song! Click here for the article

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh No!

I don't know if you can tell, but I woke up today with a swollen eye! I am going out of town on a business trip today and I am going to see a lot of people I don't see often (like cute guys). Oh no! I can't wear make up and look my best. I have no clue how I got the swollen eye, but I hope it goes down soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ok, so I found out why there are so many police walking around Akihabara. I guess there was a mass murder there last June. It is known as the Akihabara Massacre. If you want to read about it go here

Saturday, October 11, 2008


All Evian water machine.  Only the best in Ginza!

I am becoming more Japanese everyday.  Look at me rocking the side ponytail, just like a good Japanese girl would.  


I went to Ginza today because I had to go to the Apple Store.  How do I explain Ginza?  It is like Park Avenue and Rodeo Drive mixed.  It was so fun!  They close off the road on weekends so people can walk and shop.  I loved being there and looking at all the expensive things.  Aww, Ginza!


 So I went to the Electronics District of Tokyo today to find a new camera.  I got one at a good price (I think) but I got to see some new parts of the city.  To be honest, I felt a bit overwhelmed in Akihabara.  It actually reminded me of w hen I was in Hong Kong.  Just the street vendors selling electronics, who knows if they are good or not?  However, it was safe.  I have never seen so many police in Japan as I did in Akihabara.  It was a good time.  Oh, and I took these with my mobile, I haven't tested the new camera yet!

Thanks Kate!

 I had a surprise from Kate when I came home from Tokyo today.  It was a postcard!  The funny part is, the postcard is of the Yokohama skyline, but she sent it from New York City!  Ha ha.  Sorry to make fun of you Kate, but it is cute.  Thank you so much.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Birthday Pictures

These are all from my birthday. My friend Tracey bought me some good cake. Thanks Tracey! Sorry they are so bad, they were taken with my keitai (mobile phone).

Meet Chloe

This is Chloe. She is a cat that lives outside my apartment. I have fed her a couple of times. The neighbors feed her as well. I think when it gets cold outside Chloe will come inside with me. For now, she is well taken care of.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Drug Cocktail

This is all the medication I have to take now that I am out of the hospital.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Election

So, I have been some what following the Election this year.  It is different to follow it from a different country.  Japanese people, even students flat out ask me who I am voting for.  Most Japanese want Obama to win.  I know it might be strange to you that the Japanese are so interested in our campaign, but there is a reason for it.  I read an article a while ago that said that most of the world is watching our election because it gives them hope.  Many countries are going through a tough time right now (like we are) and they see our election as a chance for good times to come.  I am not going to tell you who to vote for, and for those of you who know me well, you know who I am picking.  I am just asking you to remember that when you vote in November you are not just voting for our country, you are voting for the hope of other countries as well.  

So, I see that the largest ever viewing audience watched the Vice President debate.  I didn't get a chance to see it, but from what I heard there wasn't really any good jabbs at one another.  That's too bad.  I did some research and the best debate was in 1988 with Dan Quayle and Lloyd Bensten.  If those of you who don't remember, here is the video link.  I found it very amusing!
 If link doesn't work just go to youtube and type in Dan Quayle.

I went to the hospital

Hey everybody.  I got sick this week and I had to go to the hospital.  I think I had a minor case of food poisoning.  I feel better, but not good enough to do anything productive.  I also have been really stressed out lately.  I am really stressed at school.  I don't know what to do about it.  Right after I got out of the hospital, one of the teachers called me and left me a message about a test next week.  I just got out of the hospital and she wants me to work?  In her defense, I am not sure if she knew I went to the hospital.  But I am still not happy about it.  I don't feel the greatest, so I have not called her back yet ;)  I hope I get well soon.