Monday, October 20, 2008

Tiredness update

Ok, so I realized last night that one of the reasons why I am so tired all the time is I have a difficult time falling asleep at night. In fact, last Monday night I didnt fall asleep at all! I have a hard time shutting off my mind at night. I think it is just stress, so I hope once I pass my three month mark here, it gets better. I hope so anyway. Last night I couldnt fall asleep so I decided to wait until 1am and take a shower. But then I thought, why wait? So I took one and was finished by 12:45. I still struggled, so I think I started to meditate. I am not sure because I have never done that before. But anyway, I woke up a few hours later, so I must have fallen asleep. I didnt get a full nights rest, but at least I fell asleep. I hope tonight it better.

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