Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Weekend in Japan

I am currently in my first weekend in Japan.  It has been pretty uneventful.  I contacted my closest JET neighbor and we spent the weekend together.  On Friday night I took the bus to her city and it was quick.  Emily is really close.  We went out to eat and then went to sleep.  We slept from 10:30pm to 11:30am the next day!  We were both so tired!  Last week I was falling asleep at 5pm and waking up really early in the morning.  Part of it is jet lag, but part of it is just being tired from all the traveling I have done.  I arrived in Tokyo only a week ago today.

Last night we stayed up until 11pm!  I woke up early, but Emily slept in.  Right now I am trying to figure out what to do about the flood on my balcony.  My washing machine is on it and I washed some clothes this morning.  When I went out to check on them there was water every where.  I don't know what to do about it.  

Otherwise, there isn't really anything new here.  Last week I did my paperwork for my alien registration card, opened a bank account and got my stamp.  In Japan people get a stamp they register it.  The stamp is used as their signature.  I have to use the stamp to "clock in" at school.  It is really neat!  I tried to get a cell phone, but I have to have my permanent alien registration card, I will get that in a few weeks.  The biggest news is I found a car!  A former JET from Australia is selling her car because she is moving to Tokyo and she can't find a place to park it.  She really doesn't want to sell it, but she has to.  The price is around 1500 USD and the shakken doesn't have to be done until next summer.  The car is really nice, I guess I am getting a good car for the price.  I am excited about it.  

That is all for now.  Take care.

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