Friday, August 15, 2008


Hey everyone, I just want to do a quick update.  Not really much going on with me.  I went to Yokosuka last weekend and I stayed at the Lighthouse.  It was WONDERFUL to be back there.  I met the new directors and they are amazing!  I met some new people, but I mostly hung out with Kate.  It was great fun.  On Tuesday I had a meeting with all the new JET's in Ibaraki in the prefecture capital Mito (Meato).  It was nice to meet them.  This weekend I am returning to Mito for a welcome party.  I am spending the night at the Holiday Inn (oh the irony) and then going to the beach on Sunday.  I am looking forward to it.  It is supposed to rain this weekend, so maybe I will not go.  I hope it is sunny though.  God knows I have sat through sunny days at work wishing I could go to the beach!

Work has been boring because the kids are still on break.  They return September 1st.  I am finished with my first lesson, so I have nothing to do.  My supervisor is going to Korea next week.  Wouldn't it be nice to just say, "oh, I am going to Korea next week..."?  Actually, I might try to go sometime.  Anyway, I really don't have anything to do at work.  When I am at home I usually rest or try to get things done.  I usually have a load of laundry to do, or something to clean up.  I am slowing going through all the things that were left in my apartment and getting rid of them.  No on has lived here for a year and a half, so it is really dusty!  I haven't really unpacked yet because the room I am going to use to store clothes is dusty.  Currently, I use my "living room" as my bedroom because the air conditioner is in there.  I really don't have a good closet in there, so I will use the "bedroom" to store my clothes.  I have been enjoying cooking.  I don't have an oven, but I do have two gas burners.  I have to remember to turn off the gas after I am finished in case of an earthquake.  In my bathroom I have a traditional Japanese tub that I will never use.  It is nice, but old.  The Japanese clean off completely in a shower before soaking in the tub.  Traditionally, a whole family shared bath water (think old west times) but I am not sure about today.  Regardless, I am happy with my shower.  I have to turn on the gas to get hot water, but the flow is nice.  Again, I have to remember to turn off the gas!

I have one more room.  I suppose it is another bedroom, but it doesn't have a light.  It doesn't get much sunlight during the day either.  I think I am just going to use that room for storage.  I have a lot of junk in here because of all the JET's that have lived here throughout the years.  I plan on going through it and giving it to the recycle shop.  The recycle shop is kind of like a thrift shop I suppose.  I haven't been to one so I am not sure.  Now, I know what you are thinking.  Why should I get rid of things other JET's collected when I should leave them for the person that replaces me.  Well, I suppose I could, but I have been told my building will be turn down in two years.  I really don't want to bring a bunch of old dusty things to a brand new apartment.  I would rather give them things I know they can use at the new apartment and get rid of the old.

Two seems to be the magic number for me.  When I was in Chicago they told us that statistically,  most of us will stay two years.  At the time I thought I would stay longer.  However, I have since changed my mind.  It seems the universe is telling me two years is enough.  I have to pay into the teachers pension, but I can get up to two years worth paid back to me when I am finished.  Currently, I do not have to pay taxes in the US or in Japan.   However, after two years I will have to start paying taxes in Japan.  Finally, the apartment being torn down in two years.  I suppose I don't mind moving, and if the other people here leave I will too so they can tear down the apartment earlier.  However, it is expensive to move in Japan.  I would have to pay a key deposit (3 to 6 months back rent) and maybe even pay a relator.  Emily, the closest JET to me had to pay a key deposit that was around $2,000 USD.  If I move I might have to pay something like that.  However, after that the school district helps with rent.  Emily only had to pay around $240 USD a month and the district pays about $230.  I guess they will pay up to $270 a month to help with rent.  For now, I am staying in my old place where rent is about $80 a month ;)

Hummmmm, that is about all for now.  Basically, right now work is boring, but my free time is busy.  It seems like I have something going on every weekend and many week nights.  I have enjoying Japan and I am really happy I came back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

<3 i am so glad you are pleased to be there, and i'm glad you are keeping busy.

i'm bummed that we got disconnected the other night but thats okay!! i didn't have too much to say anyway!!