Thursday, August 21, 2008

This week

Hi everyone!  This week is going well, I have been rather bored though.  I usually just go to school for about an hour, "stamp" in and leave.  Yesterday I tried going to the beach, but I got lost (I left my map at school :(  ).  It started to rain on the way back, so it was probably a good thing.  It seems whenever I have a day off and can go to the beach it rains, oh well, maybe next month.

This past weekend was fun.  As you know I went to Mito and saw other JET's.  After the scavenger hunt I noticed someone wearing a Ghana football team jersey.  I was too scared to say anything to him, but after a few drinks I wasn't.  His name is Brian and he is from the US (can't remember where).  He spent a semester in Ghana (Kumasi to be exact) about two years ago.  I told him about my time there.  He said he misses it, I do too.  I told him about my PC experience, he said he has heard that PC doesn't treat their volunteers very well.  I am not sure about that because I can only go off of how they handled me, but it was nice to talk to someone who understands.  We spoke a little Twi to each other, it was fun.  I left after that, so I didn't see him.  On the 5th we all have to go to Mito again, so I am sure I will talk to soon.  I think he lives in Mito as well.

I have been trying to be more active and eat better.  A year ago I was in pretty good shape, well for me anyway.  Now I am not.  I ran up an escalator the other day and was out of breath by the time I got to the top.  I HATE that.  However, when I went down the same escalator later I noticed it was longer and steeper than most.  I felt a little better.  Plus it is so humid here, it isn't easy running in humidity.  I went for a walk/run today.  I feel good!  I need to do it everyday.  Next time I will leave earlier because it was too hot and humid by the time I went (around 8:30), but when the sun comes up at 4am, it gets hot early.  I have an exercise ball, some dumb bells and some bands I can work out with.  My only problem is usable space.  I have plenty of room the work out in, but I have the tamomi mats to worry about.  I am not sure if i spelled that right, but they are woven mats that are common in Japanese homes.  They can be a problem if they are not taken care of.  I have to make sure I vacuum them often and make sure things don't get spilled on them.  I am not sure how I am going to work out on them.  I doubt putting a hot, wet body is good for them.  I don't want to get bugs in them.  I think I can put a futon down and work out on that.  I will try that later.  

I have been eating fairly well too.  I have a good rice cooker and I have been using it often.  I usually make up a stir fry of some sort of meat (beef or chicken) and veggies with the rice.  It is soooooo good!  I have been eating pasta too.  On the other hand, McDonald's :(  I need to stop that, but it is sooooooo good too!  I have been eating too much ice cream too.  Luckily my freezer sucks, so I go and buy these little ice creams at the store and I have to eat them right away.  I will stop that soon, but for now, yum yum give me some!

That is all for now.  I will update when I do something interesting.

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