Thursday, August 7, 2008

New car!

Hey everyone!  I finally got my new car!  It is a 1994 Toyota Rav4.  A former JET named Carly sold it to me.  She is from Australia and is moving to Tokyo.  It is way to expensive to have a car in Tokyo, that is why she sold it.  Her handsome husband drove it up.  His name is David and he is a golfer.  He coaches people around Japan and he caddies for a professional Japanese golfer.  His work allows him to travel around the world.  Interesting....
Things are going pretty well.  I am a little bored at school because the kids are still on summer break, but they will be back soon enough.  My supervisor told me I can take vacation if I want to!  Um, I just got here.  So maybe I will take off a Friday or a Monday.   My supervisor and other teachers seem to like me and the principal, whom I met once, does too.  So, I guess I just have to worry about the students now.
The weather here has been really hot and humid.  My closest neighbor, Emily is from California and is having a hard time adjusting to it.  She said it feels like she is walking through a cloud all the time.  I am ok with it.  I keep my air on when I am home, but when I leave I turn it off.  It doesn't seem to be too hot in my apartment when I return.  
My apartment is ok, it is old.  Today at lunch the teachers pretty much told me they think my apartment is a hell hole!  I do not think it is that bad.  I was told yesterday if I stay more than two years I will have to move because they are destroying the building!  Right now I only pay around $80 USD for rent.  If I move I will have to pay more, plus deposit, plus up to 6 months back rent!  Last week, Emily dropped about $2,000 USD for her place.  When she moves she can get most of it back, but is outrageous!  Maybe I will stay here for a while and if the other teachers that live here I will too, but for now I am staying put.  Besides, I think I will only stay two years anyway.  After two years I have to start paying Japanese taxes.  Right now I have to pay into teachers pension, but I can take out up to two years worth when I leave.  If I stay longer, I can still only take out two years.   It is still something I am thinking about, though I think I will stay longer than a year.  Well, that is all for now.  I hope you like my car.  

1 comment:

Hebe said...

Having fun reading of your blog.