Monday, August 11, 2008

Soft Bank

Today I had my first day in Japan where I became really frustrated.  I had a pretty good weekend, but I woke up today tired.  I went to Yokosuka over the weekend.  Then after I returned I went to visit Emily.  Needless to say, I was tired all day today.  It doesn't help that tomorrow I have to wake up early and go to Mito, then this weekend I go back to Mito.  I still have to unpack and wash some clothes.  But anyway, I went out to lunch with some teachers when me getting a cell phone came up.  Now, I really don't care to have one and I am only getting one for safety reasons and to keep in touch with people.  Otherwise I am not really excited to get one.  I had problems getting my first week because they said I had to wait until my alien registration card comes.  It doesn't come until the 15th, and that is fine with me.  So one of the teachers (whom shall remain nameless) said I could get my phone today.  She said I just had to get my paperwork showing I am a resident of Bando City.  Armed with all my paperwork (temporary alien papers, my health insurance card, my passport, my stamp, and the Bando City papers) we went to Soft Bank.  Soft Bank is the biggest and cheapest company in Japan.  I picked a phone I can get for free and a plan.  My bill was to be around $21.00 a month, not too shabby.  My phone would have been free, but I am not exactly sure how it works.  I know the phone sells for around $400, but it is discounted every month and by the end of the contract it is free.  After filling out paperwork for over an hour and going back to school and waiting, I couldn't get my phone today.  Apparently Soft Bank has gotten strict.  Instead of paying every month for the actual phone, I have to buy it today.  I really don't have that money right now, and even if I did I can not buy it today.  I don't get paid until the 21st and I have that business trip tomorrow, and the fun trip this weekend.  I need my money for that.  I told teacher about it and she seemed confused and said she would look into it.  I went home tired and hungry.  I began to eat some ice cream when someone knocked on my door.  It was teacher saying I could get my phone.  I was confused, but she wanted me to go with her back to Soft Bank.  I had told her earlier I was not paying for the phone today.  She didn't seem to get it because we went there and same problem, had to buy the phone.  However, if I pay for it right away my bill will only be around $3.00 a month, but like I said before, I am not getting it today.  I am a little irritated that teacher did not listen to me about this.  This is not the first time this has happened.  Before I got my car I told her my budget was 100,000 yen.  She took me to car dealers and showed me cars that were 300,000 yen.  I got my car for half that from a former JET.  I decided that day to not let her meddle in my business, but here I am today at Soft Bank with her.  Plus, she had me get the paperwork showing I live in Bando City.  I guess they are temporary papers, so I have to get new papers after I get my alien registration card.  The papers only cost 300 yen, but if she would have listened to me and waited until Friday like I wanted, I wouldn't have to pay twice.  So Friday I will go to Soft Bank with my real alien registration form (sans teacher) to see if I can get phone on credit.  If not I will purchase a cheaper phone and only pay the $3.oo a month.   I want to say that I really do appreciate the teacher helping me, but I think sometimes she is just a little too much!   She is only trying to help though....

1 comment:

Kate Cooper said...

Bummer! I'm sorry it was a stupid day! How was Mito?