Thursday, August 28, 2008

Feeling a little down...

Hello everyone. I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. The problem is, I was getting internet for free at my apartment. It was wireless. Well, last Thursday there was a thunderstorm and since then the free wireless is gone. I still get the signal, but the server doesn't connect. I don't know if I will ever get it back. In the meantime I am trying to get internet myself, but it can take three to six weeks! It is, like everything here, way too complicated than it should be. I can connect to the internet at school, but it is hard because they block the proxy settings. Basically things I need to sign into (like my email, facebook, this blog) can not happen. So I have to go to this website that allows me to sign in, but it is very basic. Basically it is like viewing my email from a mobile phone. I can't see attachments or anything. It sucks!

I am feeling a little down today and I don't know why. I am going to Nikko this weekend and I am excited. I guess I am a little home sick. I am bummed out about this internet thing because I was using it to stay connected to home. Now I am not connected at all. At first I felt I should have signed up for internet right when I am came instead of stealing the free one. Then I would have internet now. I felt like I was greedy for leeching someone's internet in my apartment. I felt bad. However, Emily pointed out to me that without my alien card, and my mobile phone, it would have been impossible for me to apply for internet. That made me feel better. I think I have a bit of culture shock too...surprised? I went to dinner at one of the teachers houses and it was so, so..Japanese. I liked it, but I can't explain it but I think if I lived there it would depress me. I mean, they sleep on the floor on futons. I couldn't stand that. The house was huge though. Then I realized that the teacher is older (actually she is the same one that I complained about before ;) ) and of course it would be decorated for an older taste. Hell, I would probably get depressed living in an old persons house in the US. So then I felt better.

Tonight I am meeting some people for dinner. Maybe then I will cheer up. I hope so. School starts next week. I am nervous!!!!! I have been really tired lately too. I have no idea why, but to me a perfect day would just be able to sleep all day and not feel bad about it. On weekends I am usually busy, so maybe that is why. This weekend I am going to Nikko with some people from Yokosuka. Maybe that will cheer me up too.

That is all for now. I miss everybody and everything. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be here, I just need something familiar right now. This too shall pass....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey sweetie, i'm sorry to hear about your internet!! my laptop decided to break this week so i know the frustration. i'm sorry that you're homesick, i am awfully anna-sick :) i miss you terribly!!